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Track: Hockenhm             Fri Nov 14 22:44:12 2008

Driver:  Geli - Brabham  

No practice laps

No race laps

Driver: Albrecht Kleinfeld - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m56.691s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m54.469s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m13.948s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 4m03.529s [Invalid lap]
Lap 5: 1m53.755s
Lap 6: 1m59.958s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m13.537s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m52.556s
Lap 9: 19m22.969s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 2m19.064s [Invalid lap]
Lap 11: 1m56.025s
Lap 12: 1m54.959s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m55.545s
Lap 14: 2m04.935s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m57.027s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m56.399s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.271s
Lap 1: 2m02.498s
Lap 2: 2m01.613s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m59.328s

Driver: Heiko Ott - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m54.519s
Lap 2: 1m54.430s
Lap 3: 1m58.319s
Lap 4: 3m28.410s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 5: 1m56.540s
Lap 6: 2m05.317s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m59.010s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 8m32.149s [Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 1m56.990s
Lap 10: 1m55.362s
Lap 11: 1m55.487s
Lap 12: 1m55.215s
Lap 13: 1m54.929s
Lap 14: 1m55.393s
Lap 15: 1m54.813s
Lap 16: 1m54.981s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 3m11.138s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.925s
Lap 1: 2m03.060s
Lap 2: 1m57.978s
Lap 3: 1m56.158s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m56.129s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m57.637s
Lap 6: 1m55.661s
Lap 7: 1m54.942s
Lap 8: 1m54.963s
Lap 9: 1m55.309s
Lap 10: 1m55.802s
Lap 11: 1m54.819s
Lap 12: 1m55.506s
Lap 13: 1m55.509s
Lap 14: 1m55.212s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m54.913s
Lap 16: 1m55.182s
Lap 17: 1m54.715s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m55.000s
Lap 19: 1m55.595s
Lap 20: 1m55.153s
Lap 21: 1m55.970s
Lap 22: 1m55.560s
Lap 23: 1m54.723s
Lap 24: 1m55.512s
Lap 25: 1m54.983s
Lap 26: 1m55.117s
Lap 27: 1m54.782s
Lap 28: 1m54.599s
Lap 29: 1m54.355s
Lap 30: 1m54.751s
Lap 31: 1m54.335s
Lap 32: 1m55.091s
Lap 33: 1m55.646s
Lap 34: 1m56.088s
Lap 35: 1m55.352s
Lap 36: 1m55.440s
Lap 37: 1m54.334s [Off the track]
Lap 38: 1m54.884s
Lap 39: 1m54.269s
Lap 40: 1m54.607s [Off the track]
Lap 41: 1m54.239s
Lap 42: 1m54.268s
Lap 43: 1m54.947s
Lap 44: 1m54.002s
Lap 45: 1m53.938s
Lap 46: 1m55.140s [Off the track]
Lap 47: 1m53.534s
Lap 48: 1m53.553s
Lap 49: 1m54.079s
Lap 50: 1m55.383s [Off the track]
Lap 51: 1m55.723s [Off the track]

Driver: Michael Dobeck - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m55.544s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m51.833s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m51.393s
Lap 4: 1m58.446s
Lap 5: 8m06.668s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 6: 1m52.615s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m14.011s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m59.252s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m51.530s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m07.257s
Lap 11: 17m50.817s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 3m03.396s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 13: 2m28.231s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.163s
Lap 1: 2m00.483s
Lap 2: 1m54.712s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m53.524s
Lap 4: 1m53.402s
Lap 5: 1m54.010s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m53.596s
Lap 7: 1m54.776s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m54.164s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m53.995s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m53.317s
Lap 11: 1m52.919s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m53.432s
Lap 13: 1m53.532s
Lap 14: 1m52.861s
Lap 15: 1m53.770s
Lap 16: 1m53.593s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m52.779s
Lap 18: 1m52.773s
Lap 19: 1m55.963s [Off the track]
Lap 20: 1m52.986s [Off the track]
Lap 21: 1m52.864s
Lap 22: 1m53.128s
Lap 23: 1m53.012s
Lap 24: 1m53.064s [Off the track]
Lap 25: 1m53.518s
Lap 26: 1m52.853s
Lap 27: 1m52.688s [Off the track]
Lap 28: 1m52.824s
Lap 29: 1m52.593s
Lap 30: 1m52.488s
Lap 31: 1m52.942s
Lap 32: 1m53.073s [Off the track]
Lap 33: 1m52.937s
Lap 34: 1m52.371s
Lap 35: 1m52.704s
Lap 36: 1m52.601s
Lap 37: 1m53.639s [Off the track]
Lap 38: 1m51.995s [Off the track]
Lap 39: 1m52.718s
Lap 40: 1m52.695s [Off the track]
Lap 41: 1m51.999s
Lap 42: 1m52.239s
Lap 43: 1m52.241s
Lap 44: 1m52.109s [Off the track]
Lap 45: 1m51.573s [Off the track]
Lap 46: 1m52.237s [Off the track]
Lap 47: 1m51.845s [Off the track]
Lap 48: 1m52.527s [Off the track]
Lap 49: 1m52.096s
Lap 50: 1m51.861s [Off the track]
Lap 51: 1m51.825s

Driver: Mike Ziehbauer - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m19.345s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 47.920s
Lap 1: 2m04.374s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m57.441s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m58.087s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m10.108s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m00.713s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m56.890s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m05.717s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m05.586s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m12.019s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m00.096s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m03.275s [Off the track]

Driver: Michael Weber - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m56.430s
Lap 2: 1m58.249s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m59.226s
Lap 4: 2m01.727s
Lap 5: 16m55.632s [Invalid lap]
Lap 6: 11m07.417s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m57.243s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.961s
Lap 1: 2m03.927s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m58.283s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m57.193s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m57.156s
Lap 5: 1m55.241s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m55.709s
Lap 7: 1m55.723s [Off the track]

Driver: Peter Schleifer - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m58.150s
Lap 2: 1m56.705s
Lap 3: 11m13.768s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 47.804s
Lap 1: 2m05.187s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m57.463s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m58.881s
Lap 4: 1m58.037s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m56.160s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m58.808s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m56.030s
Lap 8: 1m55.789s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m55.764s
Lap 10: 2m25.515s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m54.699s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m54.868s
Lap 13: 1m54.632s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m54.437s
Lap 15: 1m54.536s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m54.163s
Lap 17: 1m53.755s
Lap 18: 1m54.578s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 1m54.403s [Off the track]
Lap 20: 1m54.047s [Off the track]
Lap 21: 1m54.000s [Off the track]
Lap 22: 1m53.782s [Off the track]
Lap 23: 1m53.594s [Off the track]
Lap 24: 1m53.055s
Lap 25: 1m53.451s
Lap 26: 1m52.580s [Off the track]
Lap 27: 1m53.272s [Off the track]
Lap 28: 1m54.063s
Lap 29: 1m54.595s [Off the track]
Lap 30: 1m55.192s
Lap 31: 1m56.475s [Off the track]
Lap 32: 1m56.077s [Off the track]
Lap 33: 1m55.879s [Off the track]
Lap 34: 1m54.247s
Lap 35: 1m53.210s [Off the track]
Lap 36: 1m53.666s [Off the track]
Lap 37: 1m54.830s [Off the track]
Lap 38: 1m52.831s
Lap 39: 1m53.043s
Lap 40: 1m56.466s [Off the track]
Lap 41: 1m53.383s [Off the track]
Lap 42: 1m52.445s
Lap 43: 1m52.605s
Lap 44: 1m52.100s [Off the track]
Lap 45: 1m52.250s [Off the track]
Lap 46: 1m52.529s [Off the track]
Lap 47: 1m52.243s
Lap 48: 1m53.282s [Off the track]
Lap 49: 1m52.875s [Off the track]
Lap 50: 1m51.858s
Lap 51: 1m53.283s

Driver: Ferdinand Schulze - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m55.613s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m55.756s
Lap 3: 1m55.416s
Lap 4: 1m54.347s
Lap 5: 1m54.188s
Lap 6: 1m54.055s
Lap 7: 1m59.634s

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.880s
Lap 1: 2m02.531s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m56.506s
Lap 3: 1m55.705s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m54.505s
Lap 5: 1m54.242s
Lap 6: 1m53.727s
Lap 7: 1m54.080s
Lap 8: 1m53.942s
Lap 9: 4m53.680s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m55.601s
Lap 11: 1m54.883s
Lap 12: 1m54.606s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m54.283s
Lap 14: 1m53.210s
Lap 15: 1m53.651s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m53.747s
Lap 17: 1m53.746s
Lap 18: 1m53.491s
Lap 19: 1m53.414s
Lap 20: 2m00.409s [Off the track]
Lap 21: 1m53.386s
Lap 22: 1m53.594s
Lap 23: 1m53.215s
Lap 24: 1m53.072s
Lap 25: 1m52.983s
Lap 26: 1m53.266s
Lap 27: 1m53.611s
Lap 28: 1m54.318s
Lap 29: 1m54.323s
Lap 30: 1m53.107s
Lap 31: 1m53.507s
Lap 32: 1m53.488s [Off the track]
Lap 33: 1m53.296s
Lap 34: 1m53.089s
Lap 35: 1m53.249s
Lap 36: 1m53.058s [Off the track]
Lap 37: 1m52.659s [Off the track]
Lap 38: 1m52.737s
Lap 39: 1m52.646s
Lap 40: 1m53.071s
Lap 41: 1m52.830s
Lap 42: 1m52.462s
Lap 43: 1m52.847s
Lap 44: 1m52.724s [Off the track]
Lap 45: 1m52.530s [Off the track]
Lap 46: 1m52.408s
Lap 47: 1m52.692s
Lap 48: 1m52.388s
Lap 49: 1m52.821s
Lap 50: 1m52.334s

Driver: Andreas Hesmer - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m02.871s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 2m00.011s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m56.220s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m56.533s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 8m05.508s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 6: 1m57.563s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m07.007s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m56.746s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m57.890s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m05.300s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.721s
Lap 1: 2m03.288s
Lap 2: 1m58.322s
Lap 3: 1m57.046s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m56.251s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m55.948s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m55.703s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m55.746s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m58.874s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m55.772s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m56.753s
Lap 11: 1m56.742s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m56.651s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m56.218s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m55.553s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m55.817s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m56.218s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m57.293s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m56.515s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 1m55.906s [Off the track]
Lap 20: 1m56.162s
Lap 21: 1m55.473s
Lap 22: 1m54.963s [Off the track]
Lap 23: 1m54.321s [Off the track]
Lap 24: 1m54.670s [Off the track]
Lap 25: 1m54.722s
Lap 26: 1m55.626s [Off the track]
Lap 27: 1m54.839s
Lap 28: 2m05.219s [Off the track]
Lap 29: 1m59.327s [Off the track]
Lap 30: 2m00.656s [Off the track]
Lap 31: 1m53.585s [Off the track]
Lap 32: 1m53.919s [Off the track]
Lap 33: 1m54.224s [Off the track]
Lap 34: 1m53.477s [Off the track]
Lap 35: 1m53.580s [Off the track]
Lap 36: 1m53.167s [Off the track]
Lap 37: 1m52.781s [Off the track]
Lap 38: 1m52.956s [Off the track]
Lap 39: 1m52.769s
Lap 40: 1m52.805s [Off the track]
Lap 41: 1m52.865s [Off the track]
Lap 42: 1m52.991s [Off the track]
Lap 43: 1m52.476s [Off the track]
Lap 44: 1m52.977s [Off the track]
Lap 45: 1m57.858s [Off the track]
Lap 46: 1m54.021s [Off the track]
Lap 47: 1m54.558s [Off the track]
Lap 48: 1m54.628s
Lap 49: 1m53.910s [Off the track]
Lap 50: 1m53.869s

Driver: Andreas Oder - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m52.899s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m59.052s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m52.392s

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.599s
Lap 1: 2m01.576s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m01.998s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m55.598s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m56.092s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m56.196s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m54.269s [Off the track]

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser