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Index - Practice - Race - Lap by lap - Lap chart - Race History Graph - Mechanical - Graphical race report



Track: Panorama             Fri Jan 10 22:08:52 2014

Driver: Richard Kleinfeld - Brabham  

No practice laps

No race laps

Driver: Uwe Herrling67 - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m09.695s
Lap 2: 2m07.618s
Lap 3: 2m06.033s
Lap 4: 2m09.313s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m05.370s
Lap 6: 2m31.762s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 3m33.075s
Lap 8: 2m05.146s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m04.829s
Lap 10: 2m03.983s
Lap 11: 2m04.741s
Lap 12: 2m11.224s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 12m05.081s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 14: 2m07.311s

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.320s
Lap 1: 2m14.857s
Lap 2: 2m06.124s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m07.573s
Lap 4: 2m05.334s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m04.565s

Driver: Christof Gietzelt - BRM      

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m11.611s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 2m11.589s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 1m22.612s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 2m43.696s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m05.400s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m05.069s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m05.188s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 3m59.505s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m07.344s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m04.109s
Lap 11: 2m05.655s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 2m04.820s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 3m18.349s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 14: 2m13.567s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 2m45.966s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 16: 2m07.183s
Lap 17: 2m15.976s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.845s
Lap 1: 2m12.623s
Lap 2: 2m05.754s
Lap 3: 2m08.207s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m08.699s
Lap 5: 2m08.422s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m06.418s
Lap 7: 2m12.753s
Lap 8: 2m15.005s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m05.595s
Lap 10: 2m05.477s
Lap 11: 2m06.583s
Lap 12: 2m05.460s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 2m05.599s
Lap 14: 2m04.697s
Lap 15: 2m05.333s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 2m05.394s
Lap 17: 2m06.957s [Off the track]

Driver: Mario Wilhelm - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m06.253s
Lap 2: 2m06.638s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m03.732s
Lap 4: 2m02.642s
Lap 5: 6m11.574s [Invalid lap]
Lap 6: 2m03.080s
Lap 7: 2m03.439s
Lap 8: 6m47.638s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m03.450s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m02.675s
Lap 11: 3m21.852s [Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 2m03.484s
Lap 13: 2m02.672s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 2m02.446s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 43.165s
Lap 1: 2m27.849s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m04.309s
Lap 3: 2m02.940s
Lap 4: 2m04.313s
Lap 5: 2m03.107s
Lap 6: 2m04.251s
Lap 7: 2m04.942s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m01.921s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m01.832s
Lap 10: 2m02.436s
Lap 11: 2m02.150s
Lap 12: 2m02.603s
Lap 13: 2m04.488s
Lap 14: 2m02.612s
Lap 15: 2m01.545s
Lap 16: 2m01.859s
Lap 17: 2m01.846s
Lap 18: 2m01.661s
Lap 19: 2m01.869s
Lap 20: 2m15.267s [Off the track]
Lap 21: 2m03.742s
Lap 22: 2m01.962s
Lap 23: 2m03.430s
Lap 24: 2m02.757s
Lap 25: 2m02.143s
Lap 26: 2m02.128s
Lap 27: 2m01.024s
Lap 28: 2m01.853s
Lap 29: 2m01.509s

Driver: Axel Cordt - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m12.312s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 2m14.113s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 5m15.858s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 2m08.007s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 3m49.953s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 6: 7m47.925s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m13.147s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m06.713s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 3m51.033s [Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 2m06.219s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.410s
Lap 1: 2m27.537s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m12.575s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m12.353s [Off the track]

Driver: Claudio Callipo - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m03.887s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 2m04.205s
Lap 3: 2m02.401s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m03.978s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m18.420s
Lap 6: 11m24.298s [Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m05.096s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m02.809s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 43.186s
Lap 1: 2m11.040s
Lap 2: 2m04.484s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m05.386s
Lap 4: 2m03.985s
Lap 5: 2m04.366s
Lap 6: 2m04.096s
Lap 7: 2m03.626s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m03.880s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m04.457s
Lap 10: 2m04.215s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m04.273s
Lap 12: 2m03.889s
Lap 13: 2m03.941s
Lap 14: 2m04.045s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 2m03.223s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 2m02.549s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 2m01.857s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 2m02.151s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 2m01.937s [Off the track]

Driver: Albrecht Kleinfeld - Ferrari  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 4m04.038s [Off the track, Invalid lap, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 2m20.479s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m07.296s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 4m21.256s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 5: 2m07.621s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m11.261s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 3m18.616s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 2m07.963s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m18.652s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m05.371s
Lap 11: 2m53.200s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 2m29.351s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 2m08.617s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.491s
Lap 1: 2m18.830s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m07.160s
Lap 3: 2m05.643s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m06.883s

Driver: Hans Marfan - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m10.286s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 3m24.577s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 2m07.999s
Lap 4: 2m07.071s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m12.245s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 5m25.376s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m06.677s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.310s
Lap 1: 2m35.174s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m09.646s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m09.483s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m07.595s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m06.146s
Lap 6: 2m07.179s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m06.004s
Lap 8: 2m05.817s
Lap 9: 2m07.057s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m05.340s
Lap 11: 2m06.868s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 2m05.877s
Lap 13: 2m06.569s
Lap 14: 2m06.298s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 2m06.215s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 2m04.562s
Lap 17: 2m06.066s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 2m34.988s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 2m07.232s [Off the track]
Lap 20: 2m07.562s [Off the track]
Lap 21: 2m03.425s [Off the track]
Lap 22: 2m16.492s [Off the track]
Lap 23: 2m07.084s [Off the track]
Lap 24: 2m08.003s [Off the track]
Lap 25: 2m09.495s [Off the track]
Lap 26: 2m06.917s [Off the track]

Driver: Lasse Oetinger - Honda    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m05.849s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m04.281s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m04.542s
Lap 4: 2m05.927s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m11.151s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m03.547s
Lap 7: 2m04.540s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m04.506s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m04.260s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m03.957s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m04.397s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 2m08.670s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.242s
Lap 1: 2m11.767s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m04.788s
Lap 3: 2m04.994s
Lap 4: 2m04.392s
Lap 5: 2m04.797s
Lap 6: 2m03.977s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m04.305s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m05.624s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m03.958s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m03.745s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m05.610s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 2m03.256s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 2m04.987s
Lap 14: 2m04.536s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 2m03.030s
Lap 16: 2m03.828s
Lap 17: 2m04.020s
Lap 18: 2m03.770s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 2m05.855s [Off the track]
Lap 20: 2m03.846s
Lap 21: 2m03.321s
Lap 22: 2m02.931s [Off the track]
Lap 23: 2m03.923s [Off the track]
Lap 24: 2m02.761s [Off the track]
Lap 25: 2m03.714s [Off the track]
Lap 26: 2m04.188s [Off the track]
Lap 27: 2m02.869s
Lap 28: 2m03.546s [Off the track]
Lap 29: 2m03.045s [Off the track]

Driver: Ferdinand Schulze - Ferrari  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m07.395s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m05.794s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m04.835s
Lap 4: 2m05.074s

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.269s
Lap 1: 2m15.613s
Lap 2: 2m05.858s
Lap 3: 2m06.754s
Lap 4: 2m05.969s
Lap 5: 2m04.848s
Lap 6: 2m05.307s
Lap 7: 2m05.925s
Lap 8: 2m04.542s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m04.601s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m04.578s
Lap 11: 2m11.123s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 2m04.314s
Lap 13: 2m03.810s
Lap 14: 2m03.722s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 2m04.166s
Lap 16: 2m04.409s
Lap 17: 2m04.359s
Lap 18: 2m05.308s
Lap 19: 2m04.506s
Lap 20: 2m09.813s [Off the track]
Lap 21: 2m04.632s
Lap 22: 2m03.587s
Lap 23: 2m03.616s
Lap 24: 2m04.510s
Lap 25: 2m03.867s
Lap 26: 2m03.287s
Lap 27: 2m03.980s
Lap 28: 2m03.724s [Off the track]
Lap 29: 2m03.106s

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser