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Track: Ims             Fri Sep 01 22:15:15 2023

RACE RESULTS (After 76 laps)

Pos No Driver                          Team     Nat Laps   Race Time       Diff    Problem
 1  19 Lasse Oetinger                  Cooper   GER   76  69m38.052s               Unknown
 2  13 Tristan Bot                     Brabham  FRA   75  70m11.922s   1 lap(s) 
 3  16 Rainer Alpen                    Lotus    GER   54  49m02.866s  22 lap(s)    Unknown
 4  18 Claudio Callipo                 Ferrari  ITA   50  45m51.472s  26 lap(s) 
 5  14 Mario Wilhelm                   Honda    GER    7   7m07.543s  69 lap(s)    Unknown
 6  20 Prof Alpia                      Lotus    VEN    0 DidNotStart  76 lap(s)    Unknown
 7   9 jens martin                     Lotus    GER    0 DidNotStart  76 lap(s) 
 8   4 Geli 60FPS                      Brabham  USA    0 DidNotStart  76 lap(s)    Coolant

Race results are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)


Pos Driver                                 Time Lap
 1  Rainer Alpen                        53.174s  35
 2  Claudio Callipo                     53.653s  43
 3  Lasse Oetinger                      53.747s  68
 4  Tristan Bot                         54.315s  64
 5  Mario Wilhelm                       54.756s   3
 6  jens martin                         No time
 7  Prof Alpia                          No time
 8  Geli 60FPS                          No time


Driver                           Laps
Claudio Callipo                  1-11
Rainer Alpen                     12-54
Lasse Oetinger                   55-76

Number of lead changes: 2
Number of leaders: 3


Driver                           Laps led
Rainer Alpen                     43
Lasse Oetinger                   22
Claudio Callipo                  11


Driver                           Start Finish  Change
Lasse Oetinger                       6      1       5  
Tristan Bot                          4      2       2  
Prof Alpia                           7      6       1  
Geli 60FPS                           8      8       0  
Rainer Alpen                         2      3      -1  
jens martin                          5      7      -2  
Mario Wilhelm                        3      5      -2  
Claudio Callipo                      1      4      -3  


Driver                           Laps/Total    Percent
Lasse Oetinger                      (76/76)     100.00
Tristan Bot                         (75/75)     100.00
Rainer Alpen                        (54/54)     100.00
Claudio Callipo                     (50/50)     100.00
Mario Wilhelm                         (7/7)     100.00

(first lap excluded)

Driver                    Avg Deviation  Std Deviation  Avg Laptime   Laps
Claudio Callipo                   0.260          0.364      54.211s     50
Tristan Bot                       0.265          0.343      54.849s     75
Rainer Alpen                      0.319          0.499      53.724s     54
Lasse Oetinger                    0.487          1.473      54.424s     76
Mario Wilhelm                     0.592          0.630      55.240s      7

All times are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser